
Last week I asked subscribers to The Lesson
if they would be willing to write a one or two
sentence testimony on the benefit of these lessons. I was hoping, if
it was a good day, to get a half-dozen responses. Instead, I have
been inundated with emails from teachers and Ministers of Education
expressing their appreciation for the Lesson Vault

At the end of this list, I want to share with you how you can
these lessons for free.
You likely won't want to
read all of these, but I hope you will read enough to be convinced
The Lesson Vault could make a huge difference for
your teachers. Feel free to skip to the end when you are convinced.

Commendations on the Lesson Vault:

God has utilized the Lesson's from the Lesson Vault to
minister to us.  The questions are really good for facilitating
meaningful conversation.  Our class grew from 10 people to more than 40
in one year!!!  We don't have a room big enough for us now.  The format
saves us time in preparation in order that we might be able to work on
the ministry needs of our class.

Jim Cox

Lubbock, TX

Indiana Ave. Baptist Church

Your lesson helps from The Lesson Vault are the best
resource I have found for helping me in the Sunday School class. They
save time preparation time, and the questions often change the course of
discussion in the classroom.

David Ashcraft Adults (Open Enrollment)

Bethlehem Baptist Church

Knightdale, NC

I teach a couple's class, age range from late 20's to
early 40's.  I was looking for a way to liven up my class when I
discovered Mr. Hunt's "Lesson Vault". What a transformation has occurred
in the people! Not only in the class attendees but in myself!  These
lessons get almost every one involved in the discussions.  A God-send,
for sure!  No more boring lectures!  Thanks, Mr. Hunt, for all you do.

Donna Helms

Unity Baptist Church

Dallas, GA

If you liked sitting in class listening to a boring
professor go on forever and you think your Sunday School students enjoy
that too, then these lessons aren't for you!  On the other hand, if you
enjoy leading a lively discussion about a particular passage of
scripture, these lessons will prompt your class to think and then ask
great questions.  The resulting discussions are honest and from the

Randy Smith

The Together Class

Ages 25-35

Thomas Road Baptist Church

Lynchburg, VA

These lessons really get the conversation going. These
lessons nearly always provide insight I would never have seen.

The ease of the lessons helps build your confidence so you can do the

Randle Smith Mcfarland

Hill Baptist Church

Dalton, GA

age 50 and up

Small groups are not about hearing each week from a
gifted teacher. Instead, they are about people discussing the truths and
principles of scripture in a way that helps them connect and build
community. Josh's questions help to create an atmosphere of learning
from the word and growing in our relationships with one another.

David Jochum

Pastor of Equipping

Celebration Church

Metairie, Louisiana

My name is Roy Howell and I am the Sunday School
Director at Beaumont Baptist Church in Spartanburg, SC.  I have a
standing rule that if a teacher is going to be out, for whatever the
reason, they are to call me to let me know.  This is so I can be sure
someone is in place to teach.  In doing so, I have found that I am the
one that becomes the teacher.  I have used your Lesson Vault many times
in the short amount of time that I have been a member to put together a
lesson and used the questions to keep the class going.

Roy Howell

Whether looking for added teaching helps, insights
into how to get group members talking, or last minute lesson ideas,
hands down Josh Hunt’s Lesson vault is one of the greatest resources for
pastor’s and teachers on the internet. I would recommend this site to
anyone looking for informative and challenging bible lessons that
facilitate dynamic interaction and discussion geared around relevant and
challenging questions.

Dr. James Hilton Lead Pastor and Teacher

The Journey at First Baptist Orange City

The question to start our lesson (ie name and your
favorite flower) have worked really well. It seems to make a visitors
feel comfortable. The questions you develop really get thought going.

Bob Roberts

Central Baptist Church

Douglasville, GA

age group 40's to 50's

I can’t imagine teaching my single adult class without
your lesson  questions.  They are often the spark to get the discussion
fire going.    I usually find a nugget in the verses that I would never
have thought about without your insight.  Thank you for your
faithfulness to study the Word and share your good questions with other

Marie Wilson

Curtis Baptist Church

Augusta, GA

Enjoy the lesson plans and appreciate your time and
ability.   Here are a couple of thoughts I had.

  • The Lesson Vault is a catalyst which brings
    LifeWay to life.

  • Prior to using Josh Hunt's Lesson Vault I taught
    one way, I did all the talking. 

  • Using Josh's questions we now have two way lessons
    and the class loves it. 

By the way using the strategy of fellowship and a
decent lesson we have grown from 12 to 40 in 2 and a half years.  By
using the Lesson Vault, there is always something that penetrates my
spirit and sets my mind to work. Josh Hunt's Lesson Vault, try it.  Your
teaching will be anointed!

-John Ford

Highland Terrace Baptist Church

Greenville, Texas

Believer Class

Age 60-graduation

I have used the Lesson Vault for a couple of years or
more and have  found it to be a valuable resource for my adult bible
class..  The  questions are always pertinent and evoke a good response
from the  class.  Further, using the Lesson vault reduces the time I
have to  invest in lesson preparation each week. I hope to use the
Lesson Vault for as long as I am able to teach.

Jerry Maine

Galilee Baptist Church

Denver, Colorado

We just started a our class this past fall, after
about two weeks I signed up for your questions.  These lessons really
get the conversation going and have helped us keep everyone interested
in the class.  Our class has a wide range in age, we are from 18 years
old (just out of high school) to our mid 30's.  The class had 1 person
and another teacher last year, and now we have 10 on role.  The growth
has be so great that the class across the hall has asked us what we are
doing.  We have been more than happy to share what we have done with

Robert W. Hodges

Sunday Morning Small Group

1.5 teacher

Lafayette First Baptist Church

Lafayette, TN

I have taught Sunday School for over 20 years and I
have used the questions from the lesson vault for a number of years
now.  They are an invaluable part of our lesson every week.  I feel, as
you do, that Sunday School class is more beneficial when multiple
viewpoints and life experiences are shared.  The questions tend to draw
these impressions out of the class and allow open conversation rather
than a one dimensional viewpoint coming only from the teacher.   Thanks
for this study help as it not only makes my job easier but has allowed
us to have a more fruitful class experience.  

Jeff D. Griffin Teacher

Jacob's Ladder Sunday School Class

(Couples ages 27 - 47)

First Baptist Church

Breckenridge, TX

Josh, I personally use your Lesson Vault every week in
preparation for the Sunday School class.  We study the Explore the Bible
series and your comments and discussion questions make for great
"filler" topics for each week.  Thanks for putting the time in to help
with each lesson.  Please don't stop what you do, your questions are
really helpful.

Robin Bates

Mobile, AL

Woodridge Baptist Church

Adult 2 Group - Ages 25-35

I really enjoy using these lessons.  I teach an adult
class from age 30 to almost 90.  These lessons get a great conversation
started and bridge all generation gaps.  Thank you.

Mary Ann Webb

Geneva United Methodist Church

Geneva, Texas

As you can tell I’ve been using your lessons for some
time now. I particularly enjoy the thought stimulating questions
included in the lessons. I use your lessons as the starting point (and
it’s a big starting point) for mine and then research and cross
reference using PC Study Bible, Greek-Hebrew interlinear, and the
internet. I really appreciate the variety of lessons to choose from and
the varying length of the series. Sometimes I don’t want to start a 13
week series! It certainly helps when I need a substitute because the
lesson can be taught with as much or as little additional work as time
allows. Thanks so much.

Tony Beal Christian Church of Olney

Olney, Illinois

Adult Class 18 – 80 years old

I am always looking for insight to compliment my class
presentation. The lessons in Josh's vault contain questions that people
want to answer. I have taught college students, young marrieds, empty
nesters, and currently I am teaching our seniors (70+).  In every case I
have found the "Lesson Vault" helpful.  

Mike Kildal

Washington Heights Baptist Church

Dayton, OH

Josh, I like the lesson plans a lot because they allow
me time to study background material along with my bible text to fill in
the lesson plan and make it more complete and also get the other
classmates involved with life application stories. Just this week we
were talking about value of human life and our pastors wife (she is only
25) told a wonderful story about her baby sister (17 years) and the
threat of being diagnosed with spina bifada before birth. Her mother had
the child and she is perfectly normal and is a beautiful tall young lady
today. Thanks Josh for ideas that challenge us. 

LLoyd Blanton

I love the questions that you give every week for the
adult Bible study lessons. Many of the questions give me new insight to
an application that I had not considered. Your questions cause the
student to think a new thought, or apply God’s word to their life in a
new way.

Howard Fuller

Minister of Education

As the pastor of a small church, over the years I have
been blessed by the ministry of the lessons prepared by Josh Hunt. Often
I have found an excellent study to use with a home Bible Study group or
adult Sunday School class.

Waylen O. Bray

Stamford Baptist Church

Stamford, NY 

I find the lessons very helpful.

They stimulate the conversation at our cell meetings. I teach a class of
over 50 years in age.


We use the lesson vault to provide our equippers with
a set of thought provoking questions to stimulate a productive and
learning lesson.  It also gives a challenge each week to our equippers
to plan fellowships on a regular basis.

David Alexander

Administrative Pastor

College Heights Baptist Church

Gallatin, TN

God has commanded us to do two things: love Him and
love one another.  The interactions you have given us help us draw
closer to the Lord and to one another.  They engage us in conversations
that encourage as well as educate.  Let's face it, too many Bible study
classes are too predictable to be interesting and too impractical to be
applied.  Thanks for all you have done for us and for others around the


Pastor Siberton Baptist Church

Attalla, AL

Teaching 30 somethings in Sunday School

I am only too glad to voice a word of endorsement for
your lessons. Every item you mentioned is certainly true and I would say
that all of them are reasons that a Sunday School Teacher who wants to
do their best ought to be using them. One other reason that I like them
is that so many times they have caused me to take a second look at a
verse of scripture to find that there is a deeper question to ponder
than just the "standard" meaning that most are used to applying to that
verse.   May our Lord and the Holy Spirit continue to lead in your life.
  Thank you for your ministry in this special area.

Clyde Bell



Teacher, Couples aged 55 - 70.

These lessons worked great for priming the pump to
start discussions in Chapel Bible Study groups when I was deployed in
support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Jerry Shacklett Chaplain(CPT)

Kentucky National Guard

Full Time Support Chaplain

1/623d FA(MLRS)BN Chaplain

Your helps are a huge treasure trove in presenting
lessons that engage and connect adults to the Bible and also to each
other. I know many other teachers at First Baptist who have also come to
appreciate how your lesson questions help them consider new ideas and
directions. These questions are so memorable that attendees keep these
in mind all week. Keep up the great work!

Paul Byrom

Minister of Education

First Baptist Church

Midland Texas

I teach Adults in their 30s.  I use the lesson helps
almost every Sunday.  They drastically shorten my lesson preparation
times and get people talking.  People really respond to the
conversational style of teaching.  The lesson helps epitomize Proverbs
27:17 - "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." NIV  With
the lesson helps, I have grown from a half-decent teacher to a good
teacher who teaches better than half-decent lessons. Keep up the great
work for the glory of God.

Mr. Kelly Brady,

Adult III Sunday School Teacher

Faith Baptist Church

Wichita Falls, TX.

I have been a frequent user od the Lesson Vault for a
few years now as a Sunday School teacher of adults between the ages of
30 and  60.  The lessons have been invaluable in not only providing me
with many questions I use but also in fueling my creative juices in
coming up with questions and approaches of my own.  My background has
been straight teaching but since I have used this resource in my class
the feedback has been outstanding.  The students love the level of
interaction and it is great to see minds actively at work together.  
Thanks Josh,

Rick DeMile

Silverdale Baptist Church Silverdale


I teach an adult Sunday School Class and use The
Lesson Vault each and every week. They have worked out great for our

Rodger Bingham

Crittenden Christian Church

We’ve just begun using the Lesson Vault, but the
response from my teachers has been overwhelmingly positive!  Even some
of our “older groups” have been positive.  While the teachers are
obviously unable to utilize all the questions, they have been excited
about “picking and choosing” to jumpstart their lesson discussions. 
Good job, Bro. Josh!

Tommy Marsh

Adult Discipleship

Pastor Flint River Baptist Church

Hazel Green, AL

For several years, my wife, Beverly, and I have
team-taught an adult couples Sunday School class at East Sherman Baptist
Church, Sherman, Texas.  We have found Josh Hunt's teaching helps to be
most helpful, not only in providing us with additional insight into the
Scripture study, but also encouraging class participation through the
use of his study questions.

Leroy Ingram 

   As a minister of education and trainer for
adult Sunday School teachers, I like these lessons because

…the three accountability questions asked each week keep the group on
track for outreach and spiritual accountability

 …the opening question is a great conversation starter and icebreaker
giving opportunity for everyone to share

…the opening question levels the playing field, allowing everyone, even
new people, to share and become part of the group

…the number and variety of questions are easily inserted into other
lesson plans.

Richard Kirk

Minister of Education 


I like Josh's lessons from the Bible because he asks
good, open ended questions.  It's pretty easy to teach something in a
lecture mood.  It is quite another thing to come up with insightful,
thought provoking questions that stimulate discussion in a classroom
setting.  His questions engage the class and take them to a deeper
spiritual level.

Hal Moorman

Brenham Bible Church

Brenham, Texas class

Married with children at home

My teaching style is leading a class through directed
discussion.  Josh's questions (whether it's the "ice breakers" or the
"meatier" questions) help spur class members to join in on that

Terry Hughes

Minister of Adult Education & Outreach

First Baptist Church

 New Boston, Texas

I have just recently renewed our subscription.  Since
we started using the Lesson Vault (about three years ago), it has become
an extremely valuable tool for our teachers and leaders. Thanks for
helping us accomplish our mission in teaching the Word!  

Rev. Alvin Hobgood

Executive Minister

North Metro First Baptist

Lawrencwville, GA

The ideas from the Lesson Vault always give me fresh,
new ideas to assist in my Sunday School lesson preparation.  Many of
these ideas are things I would have never thought of. These ideas
stimulate class interaction and discussion, which in turn, result in
positive feedback and spiritual growth ini my class members.

Lyn Johnson

Sunday School Director


Carnegie, Oklahoma

I provide the questions from the Lesson Vault to all
of my adult department teachers (46). The number one comment I receive
from them is:  “These questions really help when I have to get a last
minute substitute.  They encourage discussion and get the dialogue
moving in my class.”  As a Minister of Education, I want to say thank
you to Josh Hunt for providing this service.  It sure make my job a
little easier.

Glenn Starnes

Associate Pastor of Adult Ministry

Manley Baptist Church

Morristown, Tennessee

Josh, I have been using your lessons in my preparation
for teaching an adult Sunday school class for years.  I use a group
study method of teaching, dividing the text into two to four sections
and preparing questions for each section.  The class is divided into the
appropriate number of groups and challenged to answer the questions
based on their assigned text and then report their conclusions to the
remainder of the class.  I often use some of your questions along with
some of my own to get the students involved in studying the Bible text
to find answers, which is a skill all Christians need. I do look at
other sources, including Lifeway's online sources.  However, the final
questions used are tailored to my perception of the needs of the class.
I teach median to senior adults in a small Southern Baptist church in

Josh Hunt’s “Good Questions” is a wonderful supplement
and enhancement to our Bible Study experience at Zion Baptist Church . 
These lessons always provide insight into the focal passage and really
connect the learner through thought-provoking conversation.

Doug Hamblin

Assoc Pastor of Education

Zion Baptist church

Henderson, KY

I use the Lesson Vault every Sunday in preparing to
teach my Sunday School Class. These lessons spark conversation about the
passage we are studying. And, when people are in dialogue they are

Wes Henson

Walnut Street Baptist Church

Carbondale, IL

Ages 46-59

I am not a member of the clergy.  I am a lay member
who teaches an adult Sunday School class.  I’ve tried lectures and slick
power point presentations, but nothing stimulates thoughtful
conversation in my class like the lessons and questions that I find in
the Josh’s Lesson Vault.  Thanks for providing such a powerful resource.

Jimmie Nolen

 Nolen's Accounting and Tax Service Inc

4700 E Reno Ave

Oklahoma City, OK 

My husband and I find the questions very helpful.  We
use them every Sunday for small group discussions in our SS class of
nearly 40 people.  By putting  sheets  of questions on the tables, it
allows for 6 discussions to go on at one time.  Everyone who wishes to
participate gets a chance. These questions seem to make the lessons more
applicable to our lives.  What good is it to know the Bible and not
think through as to what it means to us today? We see such a benefit to
having the discussions.  New people are more quickly brought into the
group because they are interacting from their first visit.  Everyone is
a participant instead of a spectator. It would be hard to go back to a
lecture class in which there is only a minimal amount of interaction.


I personally chose your literature to use in teachers
meetings, to pass on occasionally to our Sunday School Director, and for
use in other areas of our church. Your literature seems to target areas
of growth and potential that I see in our area. Since I have only been
at this location for a short time, I am eager to use and apply as much
as I can to see our Sunday School grow because I believe that Sunday
School is still the outreach arm or the church. We hope to be able to
send you some better figures six monthd later. Yours In Christ

Cleon Kyles


Union Grove Baptist Church

18957 Highway 69

Coffeeville, Al. 36524

I've been using the lessons/questions from Josh for
over a year now and I haven't been disappointed. As a pastor I spend a
lot of time on sermon preparation and ministry. I teach a SS class that
I call the Pairs and Spares. They are made up of couples and singles in
their 30's. These questions have opened up a lot of discussion among the
class.  What I have found is that somewhere during the lesson there
comes a "teachable" moment. Most often that moment occurs as different
people answer the questions and the lights start coming on in their
hearts. Josh's lessons have been a big help in my ministry. I encourage
you to give it a try...I believe you'll like it.

Mike Peterson

Second Baptist Church

LaFayette, Ga

I just want to write you and let you know how much I
enjoy using The Lesson Vault. I teach a class of 40 adults, ages 40 to

each Sunday
. Because I teach most of the time I need your lessons
that correspond to the Lifeway Explore the Bible series not only for
lesson preparation but just to get the conversation going. I am not a
lecture teacher but one who insists that the people participate and you
know something, with the questions that a part of your lessons, I have
never had any trouble getting people to take part in the discussions.
Your lessons also provide us with valuable insight to the section of the
Bible we are studying. I would be lost without these lessons so continue
on and I thank the Lord for you.


Bill Stone

Cherokee Hills Baptist Church

Oklahoma City

I use your lesson help almost every week.  The
questions are great for getting discussion started in my class. I teach
the 20-30 year old young married adult class at Anthony Grove Baptist
Church, Crouse, NC. Thanks for the help.

Wanda Milholland

I like these lessons because they are practical,
relevant, and bring the Scriptures to life in our home Bible studies.  

Dr. Richard Thompson Pastor,

Geneva Baptist Church

Geneva, Ohio

(These are adult home Bible studies.)

I have found them helpful. I have taught Sunday School
in a "lecture" format and found people with eyes glassed over struggling
to pay attention...not sure if this is due to my uninteresting lessons
at times, Sunday School being early or the format in general. I have
found that a class full of discussion and engaging conversation about
the scripture is one that most everyone seems to enjoy more than a
lecture or a second sermon on Sunday morning. Because of this, I like
your format for a Sunday School class...one that engages people and gets
them thinking about what the Bible is saying and how they can apply it
practically to their lives. This helps us to do exactly what scripture
says...to exhort the brethren. When we hear each others experiences of
faith and how God's word has helped us, it encourages us along our way.
I tend to use many of your questions, my own and some from other Sunday
School literature to help me put together my final lesson. I do believe
that all of your bullet points listed below apply at one level or
another. Thanks for the great lessons.

Steve Ramey

Adult Sunday School teacher

Living Waters Church of God

Washington, PA

I have been teaching adult Sunday School classes now
for about 25 years and from my vantage point, the learning culture of
our day has changed dramatically. Christian adults spend far too little
time reading scripture as a practice, perhaps as a result of the amazing
pace our society has chosen to adopt, perhaps because we have
"automated" every process.  

However, Christian adults have not lost their interest
in understanding Biblical truth and how to apply it to their lives. I
have found through verbal engagement with the truth as it is presented
from scrioture adults will deeply comprehend scripture much more readily
and discover through the process how truth can impact their lives. I
have as well seen open discussion as a non-threatening way for
non-Church adults to engage Christians and Christian truth
comfortably. Your lesson materials have helped make this possible. They
allow me to either build entire lessons around your questions or use the
questions intersperced with other lesson outlines so that adults can
engage each other and Biblical truth.

J.R. White

First Baptist Church

Kettering Ohio

Adult learners: ages 40 - 55

Josh Hunt’s questions help me to focus on the key
point(s) of the scripture and the lesson.

Josh Hunt’s questions help me to avoid the minutia of many lesson
writers and to focus on the key point(s) of the scripture and the

 Josh Hunt’s questions help me to prepare a lesson that gets everyone
involved in the discussion.

I don’t have to lecture with Josh Hunt’s strategy for getting everyone
involved in the discussion!  That lessens my preparation time and avoids
people getting bored with my talking!  

Phillip S. Boggs,

First Baptist Church,

Roanoke, VA. 

Senior adults, singles/couples ages late 50's to mid 80's.  All very
active adults.

The Lesson Vault is a quick easy access resource that
complements almost any lesson.  The lessons provide a great easy to use
resource to pass along to any one who needs to step in, even at the last
moment to teach a class.  There are two resources that I turn to the
most in lesson preparation – the Lesson Vault and the Serendipity
Bible.  Both are excellent in guiding learners into God’s word and to
draw out their life experiences as it relates to His word.

Mitch Whisnant

First Baptist Church

Kingsport, TN

The lessons save me much time and provide questions
that stimulate discussion.  I also get insight that had not previously
occurred to me as I studied. Thanks for your great contributions to my
study processes.

Tom Boggs,

Bible Study Teacher of Senior Adults

Mt. Olive Baptist Church

Moultrie, Georgia.

As a Sunday School Teacher, the Lesson Vault questions
cause me to “dig deeper” as I prepare during the week. When class time
arrives, I feel more prepared and the questions stimulate class
discussion and cause each person to examine their own lives and

Mike King

Beulah Baptist Church

Douglasville , GA

Couples- Age 30-35

 I teach a group of married couples and widows
age 65 to eternity. The group includes former Southern Baptist
missionaries, retired pastors and their wife's as well as other well
read church members. I teach by getting the class to discuss various
parts of the lesson and your material is very effective in this area.
Thank you for taking the time and effort to prepare the material for me.

Allan Schilter, teacher

First Baptist Church Ozark, MO

Your lessons have been very helpful to me. My husband is the pastor of
our church and this is the first time that I have taught adults. My
experience has always been with youth. The questions in these lessons
generate a lot of discussion and also help with the application of the
scripture. My biggest goal is not to be boring, so if you are getting
feedback at least you know that their minds are engaged! Of course the
next goal is to give them something that they could use in the upcoming
week. Our attendance has been pretty good (we average about 78% of our
class roll). 


Calvary Baptist Church

Pricedale, MS

Your lessons provide me with questions that help to stimulate
conversation. My class seems to enjoy  the interaction, and I also find
that people learn more when they can express their views. The lessons
help me design my lesson to achieve maximum interest and involvement.

William C. Slocum, III CELS

Employee Benefits/HR Consulting Manager

Shreveport, LA

The Lesson Vault questions are a very valuable teaching aid. They
provide a way to get my class talking and thinking about lesson
application that they might not have otherwise even thought about. I
love the ice breaker questions - it's great to find that even the quiet
ones have a voice and they often continue to use it throughout the rest
of the class time as well.

Joan Apthorp

Tabernacle Baptist Church

Ithaca, NY

Teacher of Adult Women's Class

Ready to sign up? Wait!  You don't have to. I offered you a
free pass so you can try these lessons for free. If I were a
Minister of Education, I would print these lessons and get them to
every teacher every week. In fact, when I was a Minister of
Education I did have these printed and delivered to my teachers
every week.

Point your browser to

Click around till you
find a series and lesson you want. There are lessons that follow
three of Lifeway's outlines as well as a back log of hundreds of
lessons. When a pop up blocks you, use this username/ password to

Username: yes

Password: yes

Ready to just sign up? Go to

for a variety of sign up
options. The above password will expire soon.

If you are a teacher and you would like for your church to sign
up, let your pastor in charge of groups know. They nearly always
want to provide resources that teachers will use, but they hate
spending money on thing their teachers won't use.


Josh Hunt


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