
Showing posts from January, 2005

What to all gowing churches have in common?

All growing churches have one thing in common. They have lots of differences: ·   They may be seeker-driven or seeker-hostile. ·   They may be contemporary or traditional. ·   They may be Sunday School based or do home groups. ·   They may be purpose-driven or may have never heard of purpose-driven. What do all growing churches have in common? It is not location or worship style or any particular methodology. The thing that all growing churches have in common is not at the congregational level at all. At that level, they are very different. But, at the cellular level, they are very similar. To use the analogy of the body, they may be a deer or a cat or an elephant, but at the cellular level, they have a similar functioning. (Any biologists out there? How close to right on a physical level is the analogy? Write me at ) At the cellular level, all growing churches have doubling groups. No matter what the size of the church, or style of...